Roma Dehr English Teacher

Profile Updated: September 19, 2016
Residing In Vancouver, BC Canada
Spouse/Partner Richard Dehr
Occupation writer/publisher
Children Thor and Zoe, and the many children who have chosen to live with us.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Previous to teaching at Seaholm High School, I taught in a very rough school in California, and I became very close to my students. At first, your affluence was a bit difficult for me, but I loved teaching, and very soon I loved you as well.

Thank you so much for inviting me to your reunion — if only by email. But I shall be there in spirit.

School Story

I tried to listen to my students and really pay attention to what you were saying. Once in a while, I played a long shot. On occasion, I stepped outside the box and tried to drag you with me — but sometimes things just happened.

Early in the semester, a student strode up to my desk with his paper in his hand. “How could you have given me a C on this?” he asked.

I took the paper from him, looked it over and said, “I gave you a C because C is an average grade, and this is an average paper.”

“But this is the best thing I’ve ever written.”

“Is this really the very best thing you have ever written?” I asked.


“You’re sure. You’re really sure?”


“Ok. If this is the best paper you’ve ever written, I’ll give you an A."

“I don’t believe you,” he said.

I took the paper from him, crossed off the C and put an A on it. Then I took out my roll book, found his name, crossed off the C and put an A in its place. “There," I said, “now it’s an A.”

Something happened during that transaction, and I was never quite sure what, but after I changed his C to an A, nearly every paper he turned in was an A paper.

What a joy it was to be a teacher!

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Oct 31, 2016 at 8:33 PM

Beautifully written, James Riley.

Roma Dehr - Seaholm English teacher.


Sep 21, 2016 at 12:44 AM