TIME FOR SOME FUN: My Favorite Things about Seaholm survey


OK, we've bombarded you with serious surveys, nags, etc.  NOW, IT'S TIME FOR SOMETHING FUN!  Here's a humorous look back at our high school days (and before) - and you can see other people's responses!  (At least we think so - there's a box to check for that, anyway.)  Have at this trip down memory lane...

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1)   Which was you favorite Field Day banner?

  Sophomore year: "E Pluribus Unum"
  Junior year: "Magic is the Mind"
  Senior year: "The Moment of Truth"
2)   Who was/were your favorite Seaholm teacher(s) or staff member?

This is an open book test. Look at your '67 Piper, if you need. Just write in the comment box.
3)   What was your favorite high school hangout?

Of course you can answer this! Your memory isn't that bad.
4)   What is your favorite MUMA Manifesto verse?

  "Ponder no more the enigmas of life..."
  "There is a deep, dark pit of sin..."
  "Do you awake in the night with a scream..."
  "Wallow no more in the snare of despair..."
  "Doubter, recant and cleanse your heart..."
  "MUMA continues to breathe and live,..."
  "Amid the evil of falsehood so dark..."
  "Never succumb to Life's oppressive frustration..."

Writ large on the giant study hall, The MUMA manifesto inspired hundreds at Seaholm! For a reminder, revisit The MUMA Manifesto in its entirety; go to the yellow ribbon on the left, to "Then and Now", and find the drop down menu "VIDEOS, PHOTOS & MORE". The guiding forces beckon to you!
5)   Who was your scariest teacher?

Thanks to Peggy Boyle Goldberg for the question! Apparently she had some scares.
6)   What was your favorite item to buy at the after-school food sales at student group booths?

7)   Who was the coolest teacher?

You can thank Bill Canning for this one.
8)   What was your favorite Detroit-based TV show as a kid?

  Lunch with Soupy
  Milky the Clown
  Capt. Jolly and Poopdeck Paul (they showed Popeye cartoons)
  Sausage Cinema (Saturday morning cartoons)
  Something else

From elementary school, that is. You didn't have time to watch TV when you were at Seaholm, now did you?
9)   What was your homeroom number at Seaholm?

10)   What teacher helped you the most?

Bill Canning got some help a time or two, apparently.
11)   What was the 3-toed gaziv's M.O.?

  It claws at your back and turns away, feigning innocence.
  It whispers evil thoughts in your ear.
  It strikes your head with Maxwell's silver hammer and sprints away.
  It jumps on your back and turns you all blue.

Refer to The MUMA Manifesto if you can't remember. Or just guess. But, better watch out or it may get you!
12)   What was your favorite Field Day sport?

Wait, there were sports? So that's what they were doing down there. I was always seated near the rafters.
13)   What radio stations did you listen to while at Seaholm? Choose as many as you want!

  An a.m. station from out of state, at night
  All of the above
  None of the above
  Was radio even a thing in those days? Wasn't it called "wireless" and in Morse code?
  I did attempt to build a crystal radio, but it never did work very well.
14)   What is the first line of "Forever Birmingham"?

Come on - you know this! Thanks to Roger Hilborn for this one.
15)   What GSA sports did you play?

16)   Name three people that were in your Seaholm homeroom.

Better check the '65 or '66 Piper - those had our homeroom photos.
17)   What is the real name of the Seaholm Marching Song?

  "Thunder and Blazes" by Julius Fučík
  "In Storm and Sunshine" by John Clifford Heed
  "The New Colonial March" by Robert Browne Hall
  "Barnum and Bailey's Favorite" by Karl O. King
  "The Gillette Look Sharp March" by Mahlon Merrick (who lived in Birmingham!)

Actually we just used a part of the original.
18)   What was your favorite class?

Thanks to our drum major, Nancy Theodoroff Townsend. Guess what her favorite was?
19)   Favorite Detroit drink?

  Faygo (any flavor)
  I did indeed have a favorite Detroit drink, but it was a bit stronger than the two you listed.
20)   Did you carpool, walk, bike or bus to Seaholm?

  Took a bus
  Heck, no - my parents drove me!
  Drove, when I could talk Dad or Mom in letting me have the keys... "Morning, Scotty"!
  I trudged five miles every day, through four feet of snow.
  I'll never 'fess up.

Check as many as apply. This one was Nancy's idea.
21)   Vernors float with...

  Vanilla ice cream
  Chocolate ice cream

Thanks to Nancy Theodoroff Townsend for this tasty memory jogger!
22)   Would you like to see more memory-joggers like this? We've got lots of ideas! And we hope that you do, as well... send them in!

  Yes, definitely!
  Of course!
  Most enthusiastically!
  Sign me up!
  I'm sitting upon thorns in anticipation!
  Um... maybe not...

Be honest now...