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•   Patricia Susan Scott  10/24
•   Nancy Davis ((Poser))  10/25
•   Linda Brisebois (Baffy)  10/27
•   Kathleen Ann Brooks  10/27
•   Pat Whitney  11/1
•   Susan Bauer  11/3
•   Dorothy Ilene McNab ((Cattell))  11/7
•   Jon George Smith  11/12
•   Susan Forbush ((Edy))  11/15
•   Leaden Hickman  11/16
•   Mark Busha  11/18
•   Alan E. Waters  11/18
•   Madeleine Therese Marten ((Rothwell))  11/19


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Ernest W Seaholm High School
Class of 1967

Calling all classmates - Save the date! 

Announcing our 60th reunion:

The weekend of September 18, 2027

Now here’s a date to anticipate – imagine getting together with your buddies and celebrating 60 years of adulthood!  So that you have plenty of time to plan your future travels, family events, important appointments and the like, your ever-cheerful class planning committee selected the weekend of Sept. 18, 2027 for our next big get-together, in downtown Birmingham

So, now you can let the kids and grandkids know that you’ll be unavailable for weddings, graduations, babysitting, and the like, as you’ll be on a time-travel cruise with your high school chums during the memorable weekend of Sept. 18, 2027!   More announcements will be forthcoming, in due time (say, in 2025 or 2026), so keep a lookout on your inbox and in your class homepage,

Do you have ideas for our Big 60?  Let us know – 

A date to anticipate:  “See you in September… 2027!”

Happy Labor Day - and now, thanks to time travel, it's back to school for you!

Do you remember that the Birmingham Public Schools all started classes the day after Labor Day?  Do you remember being downcast at the prospect of going back to classes?  It's time to relive the heady days of yore with TWO - count 'em - TWO new Seaholm '67 home page postings:

Second FUN SURVEY! (Get your #2 pencils ready) and...

A whole new batch of Reunion 2023 photos!  (See what we look like now)

Just go to the ribbon on the left hand side of the page and make your selection.

VETERANS!  We need to hear from you.  We've posted our inital veteran's pages at left, and now we need to hear from you soon, so that we can unveil our Veterans Page in time for Veteran's Day, November 11!  (Contact to add your information and photos.)

In Memoriam - Bob Hollingshead

It’s with sadness that we relate the news of the passing of classmate Robert (Bob) Hollingshead, on Saturday, August 10, 2024, in California, where he had lived in Walnut Creek for many years with his wife, and our ’67 classmate, Susan Munsell.

Bob played football for the Maples, but loved sports of all kinds his entire life, and he was an avid outdoorsman.  For much more about Bob and to sign his guest book, please click on:

Thanks go to his good friend Roger Hilborn for informing us, and to Susan for providing additional information. 

In Memory of Carl Ernest Bush

   Dear Classmates,

   We recently received the following message about the 2020 Covid-related passing of Carl Ernest Bush from our classmate Bill Grey, who recently heard from Carl’s wife. 

    “After Seaholm and college, Carl got a Physician Assistant (PA) title and worked running some clinics in southeast Michigan. After two or three years in Michigan, he moved to Florida and enlisted in the armed service to use his PA for a career there.

Carl succumbed to COVID in 2020.  

Carl was on the Seaholm swimming team all three years. His nickname on the swimming team was ‘tree’.  (He was the strongest guy I ever met)”

Bill also reported that Carl was one of the most private persons that he’s known, and that everyone on the swim team will remember him.

Thank you, Bill, for passing along this news to all of us. 

(Editor's note:  It sounds as though Carl might have been a pioneer in the PA profession; the first class in Physician Assistants graduated in 1967*, the year that we graduated from Seaholm, so he must of had his training shortly after that.)

*Source: AAPA website -


JULY Featured Video of the Month:  Memories ’67, Video 2 

Liven your day with a 4’10” trip down memory lane, with photos from the ’67 Piper. The soundtrack is of clips of a 1965 Seaholm Band performance of the First Suite by Gustav HolstJust click here and enjoy!

For several more class videos and photos, just go to the yellow ribbon on the left, hover over “Then and Now”, and then select “Videos, Photos and More”.

New website:  Patti's Pix:  photos of individuals from the Reunion 2023 dinner event at the Detroit Golf Club, Sept. 30 - Go to the link in the yellow ribbon on the left, third item from the top.  Thanks to Patti Smith Bostwick for serving as official photographer!  Now prepare yourselves for a whole bunch of cheerful visages!

MORE TO COME!  Forthcoming websites:  We need your photos!   1. from Reunion 2023, and/or   2. of you together with your school buddies, past, present and future!  If you have any photos from Reunion 2023 activities that you'd like to add to a new website, OR if you have photos of you together with some of our classmates, from school days, or our adult past, or from more recent times, please send some to , or contact him, if you have a bundle of pictures.  (Be sure to identify who's who in each photo.)  We'll put them up, when we have a critical mass.

Homerooms 1965-66


Select the "Homerooms 1965-66" link in the yellow ribbon on the left side, 2nd from the top

How young we all look!  Was that really our junior year?  So those are the fashions that we wore to school.  So many plaid shirts and jumpers!  



2023 Classmates Greetings and Photos Video

NOTE: This video is a re-posting of the original, which was posted 9-28-23.  Unfortunately, neither video begins at the beginning; with the video running, please go to the bottom of the YouTube screen and find the time line; grab the red dot with your mouse and drag it back to the beginning.  Sorry - we can't figure out this glitch! 

The latest '67 video is up and running, with greetings and photos sent in by your classmates!  Produced for the 50th Reunion and updated for Reunion 2023, you can enjoy catching glimpses of your friends in this 22-minute YouTube video by clicking here:

 (Note that there is no audio track to this video)

Our Departed Classmates:  a video tribute

Here is an updated video tribute to our departed classmates.  This will be on display at Reunion 2023, in memory of those who can no longer be with us. 

The video lasts 15 1/2 minutes, with 9 seconds devoted to each individual, but you can scroll through more quickly, if you desire (just hover your mouse over the timing ribbon at the bottom, and grab and move the red dot when it appears).  And you'll probably want to maximize the picture for your device by going to Full Screen Mode (click on the little broken square in the bottom right hand corner). 

Just click on this link:





Announcing a new video: 1967 Memory Record, side 1:  The Moment of Truth

Fresh from 1967! - a new 9-minute video built on an original soundtrack produced during the summer that we graduated, with photos newly added from the ’67 Piper!  Narrated by Julie Chamberlain and Chris Charlton, the Senior Memory Record titled The Moment of Truth was compiled and distributed by a dedicated committee of our classmates.

Re-live 1967 narrated memories of our three years at Seaholm, including:

  • Field Days
  • Assemblies and bomb scares
  • Theater events
  • J-Hop
  • Red Ants! – Seniors triumphant
  • MUMA!
  • The Year of the Beards
  • Josh White, Jr.
  • and, of course, SPORTS!

Simply click on the link below:

NOTE: This video is Side 1 of “The Moment of Truth” – Side 2 will be produced later in 2023.

PHOTO GREETINGS from CLASSMATES (revised 10/7/17),

drawn from the Grand Reunion Video Loop - view photos and greetings submitted by your classmates

(a 14 minute video - for a larger image, click on the full-page icon  in the lower right corner)




Add your yearbook photo to your personal profile page.  Go to the tab 1967 YEARBOOK PHOTOS for uploading instructions.