Rebecca Anne Bethel

Dear Friends,

Togherther with Chuck and Steve Bethel, I am coming to you to share the sad news that our dear friend Becky Behel passed away last Tuesday (November 2105). Becky was living in a retirement facility in Seattle and had been severely limited by physical health conditions, though her mind never missed a step. She had recently been admitted to a hospital for an apparent infection of unknown etiology.

I am including here a set of photo strips of herself that she gave me in our senior year with the hope that it helps us all to remember the wonderful, playful, creative, beautiful, loving person that she was.

My best to all of you, Jay

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10/20/16 04:07 PM #1    

George Riordan

Such a bright spirit!

07/05/17 02:19 AM #2    

Cindy Ann Carlson ((Brooks))

I was deeply saddened today to hear of Becky's death and the suffering which must have preceded it. I have had memories of our friendship sifting through my brain all day. She was a wonderful friend - smart, fun, adventurous and supportive!  Her head and heart were in the right place. I have no doubt that, in her own way, she made the world a better place.

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